Weeknotes 2024 #2

The vacation is over and the first week had been as busy as usual. In fact, in hindsight it doesn't even feel like a week - more like a month's worth of stuff and vacation is nothing but a distant memory.

But enough of that, here are some things from the last week or such.

The Blog

I have updated my WIKI index with some pages that I planned to add in the near future - most notably the Notes and the Bookmarks. For the sake of simplicity I intend to build either as a single page and one can use the built-in search in the browser to find something, each note and "node" will have it's own permalink, which will make it easy to share and link to.

I have built a test page locally and it seems to work fine. Now I will only have to come up with some content, which I guess will be the bigger issue, but maybe that will develop dynamically.

And since I haven't posted anything yet, this is at best an announcement.

Bullet Journal

So far, my digital workflow is doing fine, but I started to have some doubts about my workflow and wondered whether or not I could improve things by using a "traditional" workflow with the org-agenda, but let's see about that.

In the meanwhile I try to stick with it and rather improve the existing workflow/setup. To make things a little easier I have set up a few keyboard macros and it is surely getting better.

In the process I have also figured that for me it is still easier to record a macro and add that to my init.el than coding a function to do the same. At the least it is much faster.


The vacation is over and thus there is quite a bit less time to do watch movies with the family and only over the weekend there had been some opportunities.


During the weekend I listened to a fun and interesting episode on "We Can Be Weirdos" (#35 Fly Girl: Dr Erica McAlister and the Crime-Busting Maggots) about flies, which is way much more interesting than it sounds. In that show I also learned why there can't be ZOMBIES! Spoiler alrert: flies eat dead meat. Never thought about that!


I also finished reading Cory Doctorow's Red Team Blues and liked it quite a bit. I was also rather happy to learn that the next book in that series will come out already in little more than a month.

In the meanwhile I started Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon - I had that on my list for quite some time already.

Final things

I am still completely unable to decide on anything or any setup for that matter, and it is driving me nuts. For example over the course of the days I had been writing and editing these lines, I have changed my Emacs themes back and forth between the Modus theme variants Vivendi tinted and Operandi, as well as the two Ef-Themes Melissa variants as well as the new Rosa/Arbutus ones.

Needless to say that I had to change the wallpaper in the process, as a change of themes does require the right wallpaper as well.

You see, it's hopeless.
