Weeknotes 2024-01

New year, new blog, and time for a long overdue update.

Let's start with the blog (there is nothing more meta as writing about the blog on the blog, but still...)

The Blog

My blogging activity had been rather limited during the last year during the last year and I had the urge to go back to a purely orgmode-based workflow and thus moving back to my "own" blogging platform seemed the most reasonable thing to do.

Long story short, I'm now back where I started in August 2022 and run my own, self-hosted, org-export based blog. So, whenever there is something not to my liking, I can fix it myself (or learn to do so) and definitely have no one else to blame but myself.

Obviously I am able to stick to orgmode and can do everything from within Emacs, which had been the purpose of this blog in the first place and I like this a lot. Eventually I will port over some more posts but for the time being I will continue with the "fresh start" from 2022.

And talking about orgmode...

Bullet Journal

I have been long using the Bullet Journal method for my task management for many years now, and even though the system works very well for me, I grew tired of the "work" it takes. So, I am currently trying to figure out how I could built a similar workflow with more or less nothing else than a plain-text file (actually two, but still).

I am still in awe about this setup by Jeff Huang and really would like to achieve something similar.

Of course I'm not there yet, but so far I have a workflow that works just fine and seems to do the trick, but still needs some more refinement. Should I ever get this to work, I will put a write up together.

I have mentioned that I overthink stuff, or?


Over the vacation we started a superhero watch-thru and have watched:

In addition I am re-watching Deep Space Nine but only just recently started and am not that far into the series as of now.

Final things

And that brings me to the last point on the list: looking at the past entries in the "Weeknotes" series, it seems that I only find the inspiration to write/blog them during a vacation, as I am doing right now.

Let's see if I manage another post before the next vacation starts/ends.
