The "some-time-has-passed-note" - September 24

Calling this/ these posts a "weeknote" does fell a funny by now, and until I manage to do so on a weekly basis it seems more reasonable to call them something else. This title will for now.

Anyway, since the last post things went on about something like this:

During all of that we visited a couple of museums of which the Moco museum in Amsterdam had been my personal favourite.


During all of this I had been watching (still and currently am in fact) mostly two TV-shows:

I might have watched some others shows, but at the least can't remember it at the moment.

There also had been a Star Wars re-watch, Inside Out II and the latest Ghostbusters - The Frozen Empire.


My reading had been all over the place and I started a few books, but have yet to finish any of them. My most current ones are:

#journal #weeknote