The Books I Read in 2023

For some reason the year 2023 hasn't been the best year for reading and it took me quite some time to get started and get into the flow. Eventually I managed, but it took some took some time. That being said I managed to finish some books at the least.

As usual the collection is as eclectic as it can be, but there is certainly some pattern there, but you can see that for yourself.

The Books I read in 2023 in reading order

I read those books in plenty of different platforms: some on Libby, some on Audible - where I took advantage of a 3 months for 1€ each (or such) sale as I have no money to give away - and eventually I realized that my preferred and favorite service LIBRO.FM became available for subscription in Europe, so I more or less immediately switched there. Non-fiction books I figured work much better for me on paper or PDF as I can easily make notes while I'm reading.

As I am close to finishing another I will likely be able to update/start the list for 2024, but let's see how this next year will progress.
