The Books I Read in 2015

I remember how I realised at the end of last year how few books I have managed to read during that year. In fact I was even a little bit shocked about it. So something had to be done and I challenged myself to read at leas one book more during this year.

TL;DR I managed, even though I still don’t read as much as I would like to. I planned to read a bit every day, and mostly I succeeded with that. Even though I can read everywhere with the Kindle App getting a Kindle Paperwhite was a huge help for achieving my goal. It makes for a very nice reading experience.

Additionally I gave audiobooks a more serious try and realised that I like it a lot, as it gives me the chance to read a book while going to work or walking the dog and such. I have linked to quite a few already and most of them are available both on Spotify and Google Music.

But here now the list of books and audiobooks that I finished during this year:



The Challenge

Naturally I will have to challenge myself again and try to, again, finish at least one more book than this year. Compared to last year I have doubled it during this year, but I don’t expect that to happen again. But hey, seven books seems manageable.

I guess I will figure out in December 2016.