My “The Books I Read List for 2018”

I started out rather strong and finished a couple of books right in the beginning of the year, and then I explored Audiobooks, which was the moment, when thing got, not necessarily out of hand, but surely a bit wild.

Once I started to read audiobooks two things happened almost immediately:

But now the books. First the actual books, and then the audiobooks. Technically there are a few audio-dramas in between, but I kept them in anyway. Also, I did not link to the book either, kind of was too lazy for that.

The Books

The Audiobooks

45 audiobooks! I’m sure there are people that have been listening to more, but I think this is quite an achievement. For my yearly stats post I had already calculated that this sums up to 23 days and 1 hour listening to audiobooks.

I’m looking forward to see how my list for next year is going to look like.
